Interaction: Heatmap manipulation and control

Gitools is a tool that sets the emphasis on the interaction with the data. Below you find a few tips on how you may interact with Gitools heatmaps.

The heatmap

The heatmap has three parts that need to be distinguised in order to interact easily with Gitools:

  • The data matrix, the heatmap itself
  • Column annotations
  • Row annotations

Row and Column annotation is where most of the interaction happens. Annotations are the additional data that let the user understand what value is being viewed. One annotation that is always present is the id for each row and column. Furthermore it is very useful to have clinical / genomic annotations appended to rows and columns that put the data in several contexts.

See also Heatmap editor and Visualization: The Gitools interface

Interacting with the heatmap

Clickin any cell immediately displays all the values associated to the cell itself, and to the corresponding row and columns id. This information is displayed at the left of the heatmap in the detail boxes. The thin dark lines indicate where the lead/focuse has ben set upon clicking the cell.

Interacting with the rows and columns

Most of the operations performed on the data depends on either rows or columns. Different types of informations can be added to the rows and columns which allow different operations. A right click reveals all the options there are. Common operations are:

  • Sort rows/columns
  • Filter rows/columns
  • Hide rows/columns

What parameters are applied depends on the header and user choice.

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