================== Data Events ================== The event count in the selection details gives the user a quick idea about the selected data: - How many mutations (categorical or binary data) ? - How many over and under-expressed values (continuous data)? - How many significant p-values (test results)? - How many siginificant z-scores (z-score enrichment results)? When selecting a rows and columns, Gitools shows some basic aggregations and counts the data events within the selected data. Data events are a way to binarize the data on the fly which is also used f.ex. by the :doc:`UserGuide_MutualExclusivity`. Which data points are considered as events and which aren't depends on the color scale that is being used to show the data. Hovering the mouse over the ``Events`` drop-down selector in the selection details box will give you more information and lets the user change what data points are considered events or not. **Examples**: - **Categorical scale**: All values represented in the categorical scale are events. The rest of the values are non-events. - **P-value scale**: All values falling below the significance threshold are events. Non-significant and null values are non-events - **Linear scale**: All values falling below minimum and above maximum of the scale are events.