============================================= Tutorial 2.4: Compare and combine experiments ============================================= Compare and combine the significantly up-regulated genes in our experiment and in other lung experiments imported from IntOGen Files needed ------------ - `intogen\_lung\_upreg\_plus\_gse19188.cdm.gz `__ : matrix file containing p-values for upregulation per gene for 11 experiments imported from IntOGen and the experiment from Hou et al. that we analyzed in the previous tutorial. - `intogen\_lung\_upreg-columns.tsv.gz `__ : file with annotations of columns (experiments) for the matrix above - `intogen\_lung\_upreg-rows.tsv.gz `__ : file with annotations of rows (genes) for the matrix above Import p-value matrix from IntOGen for up-regulation in various independent lung cancer experiments. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - For this tutorial, we provide the matrix file containing p-values for these lung experiments plus the result of the oncodrive analysis in tutorial 2.3, after mapping probes to genes, see files above. - See `this chapter `__ of the user guide to learn how to import data from IntOGen. Open heatmap and change scale and labels ---------------------------------------- - ``File>Open>Heatmap…`` and select the file :file:`intogen\_lung\_upreg\_plus\_gse19188.cdm.gz`. - Change the color scale to p-value scale (in Settings). - Change the labels of columns: In Settings, select the file file:`intogen_lung_upreg-columns.tsv.gz` and choose “authors” and “year” as label to show in the columns instead of the id of the experiment. - Change the labels of rows: In properties/rows, select the file file:`intogen\_lung\_upreg-rows.tsv.gz` and choose “symbol” as label to show in the rows instead of the ensembl id of the gene. - Select all the rows and sort to have the most significantly up-regulated genes in the various lung cancer experiments on top. .. image:: img/tutorial-gitoolscasestudy2.4.png Combine ------- - To combine the p-values of all the lung cancer experiments, select Analysis>Combinations. - See `this chapter `_ for further details on how to combine experiments. - Apply to columns, with all columns with the same weight. - Do not select any file for sets of columns or rows to combine, this way we will combine all columns of the heatmap. - Click Next and Finish. Explore the results ------------------- .. image:: img/tutorial-gitoolscasestudy2.4.2.png