============== Old Tutorials ============== .. contents:: 1. Tutorial: Gitools from A to Z --------------------------------- :doc:`Tutorials_Tutorial21` 2. CASE STUDY: Studying the expression profile of 156 lung tumors and adjacent normal lung tissue samples ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. list-table:: :widths: 30 70 * - .. image:: img/tutorial-iconCS2.1.png - :doc:`Tutorials_Tutorial21` Identify pathways which genes are differentially expressed in various groups of samples * - .. image:: img/tutorial-iconCS2.2.png - :doc:`Tutorials_Tutorial22` Compare the expression profile of samples using correlations * - .. image:: img/tutorial-iconCS2.3.png - :doc:`Tutorials_Tutorial23` Run Oncodrive to identify the genes that are significantly up-regulated taking into account a set of tumour samples * - .. image:: img/tutorial-iconCS2.4.png - :doc:`Tutorials_Tutorial24` Compare and combine the significantly up-regulated genes in our experiment and other lung experiments imported from IntOGen * - .. image:: img/tutorial-iconCS2.5.png - :doc:`Tutorials_Tutorial25` Compare the overlap of significantly up-regulated genes in our experiment and in other lung experiments imported from IntOGen 3. CASE STUDY : Functional protein divergence in the evolution of Homo sapiens ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. list-table:: :widths: 30 70 * - .. image:: img/tutorial-iconCS3.1.png - :doc:`Tutorials_Tutorial31` Analyse the conservation patterns of genes involved in different biological processes 4. CASE STUDY 4: Studying the regulatory programs governing the expression in different tissues -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. list-table:: :widths: 30 70 * - .. image:: img/tutorial-icon1.png - :doc:`Tutorials_Tutorial41` Identify the transcription factors involved in the regulation of expression in different tissues * - .. image:: img/tutorial-icon2.png - :doc:`Tutorials_Tutorial42` Compare the expression pattern of genes expressed in different tissues 6. CASE STUDY: Studying multi-dimensional cancer data with Gitools ------------------------------------------------------------------- The videos we have put online for this case study we are accessible on Youtube. **Watch the whole case study as a** `YouTube playlist `_ .. list-table:: :widths: 30 70 * - .. image:: img/tutorial-icon6-1.png - :doc:`Tutorials_Tutorial61` Get prepared to start working * - .. image:: img/tutorial-icon6-2.png - :doc:`Tutorials_Tutorial62` See which genes are altered in a mutually exclusive manner * - .. image:: img/tutorial-icon6-3.png - :doc:`Tutorials_Tutorial63` See which genes are significantly influenced by genomic alterations in their locus * - .. image:: img/tutorial-icon6-4.png - :doc:`Tutorials_Tutorial64` Asses transcription level for pathways for each sample in the study